
HIGO Journal


Our management philosophy is to help you enjoy Kumamoto even more.

Higo Journal is a local web media that shares information from Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan.
We provide delightful content to help residents of Kumamoto fall in love with their city even more.

Through original reporting and handcrafted articles, we deliver the latest news, gourmet information, event updates, intriguing interviews with interesting individuals, and unique local insights.

"Where should I go on my next day off?"
"What can I do at that place?"
"I heard some rumors, but what's the truth?"

We thoroughly investigate such intriguing topics and bring them to you, our readers, to deepen your interest and affection for the city you call home.

While we also aim to introduce the charm of Kumamoto to people outside the prefecture, our primary focus is on delivering fresh and reliable information to each and every resident of Kumamoto and to all of you who have an interest in this beautiful city!

Thank you for your support and we hope you enjoy our content!

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