
Feeling Tiny: I Tried to Appear on Livecams Set Up Across Kumamoto City

writer:Haru Haru

Lately, there has been a surge in the installation of live cameras on roads, rivers, and popular spots that enable people to see real-time footage captured by these cameras. It struck me all of a sudden, “I want to be in this,” so I decided to explore the live cameras placed at different spots in Kumamoto City.

The live cameras let you know what’s happening in real time!

Have you ever heard of a live camera? It’s amazing how you can catch a glimpse of what’s happening on the streets, roads, rivers, and more, all in real time through the Internet. 

So, I went on a little adventure to be captured by a live camera and see what was going on.

We first arrived at the Kokai Bridge. The Kumamoto River and National Highway Office of the Kyushu Regional Development Bureau at the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (a mouthful, I know) have set up live cameras at every river in the prefecture. You can check out the footage on YouTube to see what’s going on at the bridge.

Considering its angle, the live camera is most likely positioned either on top of Shirakawa Wakuwaku Land or the adjacent building at the Shirakawa Branch, the Kumamoto River and National Highway Office, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport. To get a better shot, I will head to the Kokai Bridge and request one of my colleagues from the editorial team to capture a screenshot.

Here’s the image they sent me:

That’s me, right there. Sure, I’m in the shot, but this isn’t quite what I hoped for… So, off to another bridge we go.

Next, we headed to Daiko Bridge. Besides the camera operated by the government ministry, there was also one set up by “Nikkyo-sha,” a popular local store that sells miniature models like train sets.

Can you find me in this picture?

Here I am. It’s so hard to tell!

Check out the live camera feed of the Shirakawa River from the rooftop of RKK’s headquarters. You’ll get a glimpse of the Choroku Bridge. You’ll be stunned by the electric lights that illuminate the night. You can also spot me in this image.

I’m waving my hands desperately, but I seem to blend into the background.
RKK streams other live footage as well.

Check out this live video from Sakuramachi! I thought it would be clearer if it wasn’t a river, but it seems like that’s not possible. Of course, I’m also in this picture!

But with Sakuramachi being so big, I look tiny and insignificant.

I want to be much bigger in the pictures

I looked around the live videos of the Shirakawa River hoping to spot the perfect spot for a great photo opportunity! And I ended up stopping at this location…

Here is the picture. This shot captures the riverbed close to the Yotsugi Bridge. I am positioned in the lower left corner, standing like a starfish.

I patiently awaited the live video feed from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, as it shifted between various points along the river. I maintained this stance for about 5 minutes.

But with Sakuramachi being so big, I look tiny and insignificant. Near the foreground, a fluttering flag in front of me read “Beware of Perverts and Gropers”

I ended my journey at Shirasagi Electric Industries, where I found a live camera capturing Route 57. This camera is mounted on utility tower.

I’m positioned in the top left corner of the intersection, but because the photo was taken from 40 meters above the ground, I appear as tiny as a pea. It’s absolutely impossible to spot me!

It is possible to get on the live cameras

I hurriedly searched around, attempting to be captured on a live camera, only to come to the realization of my insignificance in this world.

Live cameras are commonly utilized to record riverbeds and streets for purposes in times of emergency like floods or earthquakes or to monitor traffic and pedestrian flow.

Even if someone appears on camera, they are unlikely to be recognized, ensuring privacy.

Why not try it out for some fun and see if you can spot yourself?





I’m a typical uni student in Kumamoto (, but actually from out of Kumamoto). I’m aiming to do graduate studies in linguistics and believe eating, sleeping, and extending my knowledge can’t be substituted for anything.

This writer's other articles.

Feeling Tiny: I Tried to Appear on Livecams Set Up Across Kumamoto City


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