The Terrifying Giant Face On National Route 3
public: 2024.12.12

There are various pieces of roadside art scattered throughout the country that make me wonder, “Why is that there?” Kumamoto has its fair share of them too. Have you ever noticed the giant face installation when travelling south on National Route 3 from Kumamoto City towards Yatsushiro, around Ogawa-cho in Uki City?
In the bottom right of the photo, you can spot the instillation of a head that looks like it’s resting its chin in its hands. Its size can be easily compared to that of a car. While it’s undoubtedly a work of art, let me say this clearly, it is quite scary.
What a tremendous impact…
I decided to make a visit to the company displaying it—Fukuoka Kanaami Industries’ Kumamoto Factory.
A masterpiece that took two months to create
I’m really intrigued to know who created and placed this object here, and what their intentions and purposes were. The object is located in the parking lot of Fukuoka Kanaami Industries’ Kumamoto Factory, making quite an impression.
So, I went to visit the plant. Despite being busy at work, the person who graciously explained the details of this artwork was Mr. Nishi, the acting factory manager. I am truly grateful for his assistance!
Sorry for barging in like this!
Mr. Nishi:
No problem at all, we do get visitors occasionally asking, “What is that thing?”
Exactly! So, what is it exactly, and why is it here?
Mr. Nishi:
This is a piece created under the guidance of art teacher Yuko Hishiyama, by employees of our plant in Nagasaki. Hishiyama creates art from metal and wires. It took about ten people roughly two months to complete. Unfortunately, since the Nagasaki plant closed, we relocated it here to the Kumamoto plant.
Why was it created?
Mr. Nishi:
Our main focus is on producing wire mesh that reinforces concrete structures. This includes reinforcement for road foundations and storm drains. Our work often goes unnoticed as it is hidden in places that are not easily visible. However, without our contribution, the construction of roads and buildings would not be possible. This sculpture was created to give visible form to our otherwise invisible efforts.
↑Wire mesh for reinforcing concrete in gutters
The dedication of you and your co-workers truly make you unsung heroes. I had no idea that such a job exists, and now I feel incredibly grateful for you all.
Mr. Nishi:
Thank you so much! The object is made entirely of stainless steel, ensuring it won’t rust.
Look! Upon closer inspection, it becomes evident that the sculpture is made up of an assembly of wire mesh.
This is the hair. At first glance I thought it was straw!
Mr. Nishi and his team have put in a lot of hard work beneath the very road we walk on. It’s amazing to discover such unseen jobs…
Although it may be a bit difficult to see at first glance…
the base of this object is designed…
to resemble the outlines of Kyushu and South Korea.
The artwork embodies a hope for peaceful and harmonious interactions between the two regions, expressed through the concepts of “nagomi” (comfort) and “harmony.”
Initially, I found the sculpture intimidating, but understanding its meaning, intention, and the process behind its creation has completely changed my perspective.
It appears to be gently keeping an eye on the residents of this place now.
Mr. Nishi:
It used to be illuminated during the night…
Ah, that might have amplified the scare factor…
Mr. Nishi:
Many people mentioned it was extremely frightening, so we stopped. (laughs) It even made a few appearances on TV due to its terrifying nature.”
I hoped that this would serve as a chance for people to discover and appreciate the work of Mr. Nishi and his team, while also providing a casual way to engage with art.
So don’t be afraid, everyone!!

I’m a typical uni student in Kumamoto (, but actually from out of Kumamoto). I’m aiming to do graduate studies in linguistics and believe eating, sleeping, and extending my knowledge can’t be substituted for anything.